Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Off to a Bad Start

My gosh! For weeks I have really been trying to post SOMETHING! ANYTHING! I guess I am just horrible at this :)

A lot has changed in the last two months! Life has just made one giant turn around on me but here has what we've been up to recently:

I did start a job at Big O Tires! I know right? A tire shop? But I absolutely love working there :) I work with a bunch of pretty cool guys who are all for helping me pimp my truck lol! I am going to start working on the inside in a couple weeks so I will have to post pictures ;)

Kaleb has been pretty overwhelmed with school! He gets dropped off at daycare first thing in the morning, gets picked up for school which doesn't start til 9:15, goes to school all day long then it's back to daycare for him until I get off work! Long days make cranky kids lol! He is doing absolutely wonderful though and I am extremely glad he has found his way from being a menace all day when he goes :) I did take him to the doctor yesterday due to him complaining of his "neck hurting when he swollowed" They gave him the strep test and it turned out negative but turns out he has an ear infection! Not in just ONE of his ears but both!!! Poor child! But I have to say, he is ALL boy! He won't let that ear infection stop him from playing his basketball, riding the dirt bike && romping the three wheeler!

Other than that we have just been trying to have fun! Playing pool, going bowling, to the movies, out for dinners && just hanging out :) Hopefully I will keep my word && post more soon! And maybe next time pictures!! :)


Miss Brittany said...

Why Hello There!. I have been waiting and waiting for you to post soemthing Freaken Anything!. lol..


I love you both and Miss you lots!

Elissa said...

Hey! I'm so glad you posted! Poor Kaleb. Ear infections are not fun! I miss you guys! I can't wait to come see you! And I'm so glad you like your job!